Fertility and Childbirth

The Benefits of Hypnotherapy for

Achieving Calmer and Shorter Labour


Hypnotherapy is as a powerful technique that can significantly contribute to achieving a calmer and shorter labour experience *. By tapping into the subconscious mind and utilizing relaxation techniques, hypnotherapy offers a range of benefits that can enhance the birthing process and leave the mother and birthing partners feeling more in control, even if the birth itself doesn’t quite follow the plan.

Reduced Anxiety and Fear:

Fear and tension can impede the progress of labour, leading to longer and more difficult birthing experiences. Human beings are mammals, and most mammals can delay or even halt the birthing process in the presence of a perceived danger, so when we are stressed, we send out those danger signals that slow down the natural progression of birth. How often do we hear that labour is progressing actively, only to slow down or stop when the mother arrives at the hospital?

Through hypnotherapy, expectant mothers can to enter a state of deep relaxation, enabling them to release any apprehension or nervousness associated with childbirth. By addressing and managing these emotions, hypnotherapy helps create a more serene and calm environment during labour, allowing the body to function optimally, and the mother and birthing partners to remain clear headed to evaluate guidance from the medical team to direct the way they want to birth their child.

Promotion of Natural Hormonal Responses for Pain Control:

Stress and anxiety can hinder the production of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for contractions. By inducing a state of deep relaxation through hypnotherapy, the body can naturally increase the production of oxytocin, helping to regulate contractions and promote labour progression. Additionally, hypnotherapy can stimulate the release of endorphins, our natural pain relief, further supporting a calmer and more manageable labour experience.

Improved Communication and Bonding:

Through hypnotherapy sessions, partners are encouraged to actively participate in relaxation exercises, visualization, and affirmations. This involvement fosters a sense of unity, trust, and understanding, enabling a smoother and more supportive birthing experience for both individuals.

I usually recommend sessions begin about 3 months before due date and involve any birth partners if possible.

*For further reading click here for a research paper by Mary Semple, a freelance researcher and Mary Newburn, head of research at the Natural Childbirth Trust

I am fully insured, DBS checked, and registered with The National Council for Hypnotherapy and the Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy and hold the DSFH and HPD diplomas.