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Latest Blog Posts

How Old is your Brain?

How Old is your Brain?

How Old Is Your Brain? – Why are you Anxious? I don’t know about you, but I am a glutton for those tests that score your IQ and your mental age etc. But, your mental age will not tell you how old your brain is. We are running on a brain that really evolved into its present form about 1.7m…

Come Fly With Me!

Come Fly With Me!

So, here’s the thing. My big guilty secret. I haven’t flown for 22 years. The reason we holidayed in the UK or went to Europe by train isn’t anything to do with all the reasons I have always given people. It’s because I wouldn’t fly. That time my husband went to visit his family in Australia, and I stayed behind…

How the Brain Can Impact Fertility

How the Brain Can Impact Fertility

Introduction: Fertility problems can be a challenging, emotional and expensive journey for individuals and couples who are trying to conceive. In this blog, I will look at how the brain can impact fertility, explore the fascinating research on stress and getting pregnant. in addition, I’ll touch on the effectiveness of IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), and discuss how hypnotherapy has shown…