Monthly Archives: July 2023

How Controlling Your Thoughts Can Make you Happier

How Controlling Your Thoughts Can Make you Happier

Its true. Controlling your thoughts can make you happier! So lets look at the thoughts that stop us being happy, and see how we can control them What if? This is the big one! What if………… You fill in the blanks. But the one thing that is certain is this scenario will not be a happy one. The primitive part…

How Hypnotherapy Can Help Your Post Partum Depression

How Hypnotherapy Can Help Your Post Partum Depression

Introduction: This article explores how hypnotherapy can help your post partum depression. While there are many treatments available, hypnotherapy is a gentle, relaxing and effective treatment for post partum depression. Understanding Postpartum Depression: Postpartum depression (PPD) is a surprisingly common mental health condition, affecting many women after childbirth. It is a complex condition that affects women differently. Significantly feelings of…