I am often asked if I can give you one thing that will improve your mental health. And the answer is no, I can’t. But you can.
And the great thing is its free, non toxic, has no side effects or environmental impact . You can’t get it from a chemist. But it isn’t hard to get 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, its not illegal and you don’t buy it on street corners. But it will improve your mental health.
Where can I get this miracle drug?
The answer ? Inside your head. In your brain. You can make the thing that will improve your mental health. You can choose to make it, or not to. What is this one thing that can improve your mental health, and sometimes quite drastically, and quickly?
The answer is that it isn’t a drug. Its a state of mind that creates neurotransmitters which help make neurons in your brain spark together and link up. These are called neural pathways. Essentially, in so far as your mood is concerned, there are two main parts these neural pathways can take. And taking one and not the other is the thing that will improve your mental health.
What is this state of mind ?
Shut your eyes for a moment. Think of a time or place you were really happy. Picture it. Hear the sounds. What can you smell? Was the sun on your face, or was it cold? What was the most special thing about it? Really feel it……
Now open uour eyes. How do you feel?
A little more relaxed? Happier? Has your state of mind changed?
All you need to do is find 5 little moments in every day (yes, every day, including the ones you think are rubbish!). It might just be a bird singing somewhere, the ruslting of the leaves in the breeze or the smile someone gives you. as tiny as that. Just enjoy it in the moment. Feel it for a second, then when you go to bed, just note down these 5 little moments of joy. Do it every day forever.
How does this one simple thing improve my mental health?
When you notice the joyful things around you 3 things happen.
- You release neurotransmitters that link neaurons to your calm, contented part of your brain function called the parasympathetic nervous system
- You encourage the formation of receptors in your neurons that help those neuronal pathways establish in a way that makes your happiness response as automatic as your anxious response is now.
- You start to focus on the lovely things in life rather than looking for the annoying, sad and depressing things
All that makes you happy! Consciously and subconsciously you find happiness. So isn’t that simple thing worth trying?
Give it 2 weeks for the receptors to grow. Write the 5 What’s Been Goods down, by hand, every night. Be happy!
Other reading
You may also want to look at my recent blog about how controlling those “what ifs” will ease your anxiety.
To read about the significant health impact of a positive outlook read this from John Hopkins University https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/the-power-of-positive-thinking#:~:text=Additional%20studies%20have%20found%20that,injury%2C%20stroke%20and%20brain%20tumors.