Seriously? Can Hypnotherapy Really Cure My Phobia?

I could make this a really short post.  Yes. Seriously, Hypnotherapy can really cure your phobia.

But maybe you’d like to know how?

claustrophobia concept
Imagine! Your Life if Hypnotherapy Could Cure Your Phobia

What would your life be like if you could just hop in a car, or on an airplane. Where would you go, how happy would you family be to be able to go on holidays abroad?  What if you knew you could get in a crowded lift without a second thought. Might that make shopping less stressful, or even open up possibilities for a new job? What if you weren’t always looking out for spiders and affecting your children’s enjoyment of the garden,? Or you could take them for a swim on a hot summer’s day, without a second thought?  Have you thought about the relaxing joy of  the cruise of a lifetime?  The cuts  and scrapes your children are bound to encounter hold no fear for you, except maybe how you’ll get the stain out of their clothes! How does that feel?  And norovirus season. How would it be to only have to cope with  it for the 24 hours you or your child is ill, not live with the fear of it for the whole of the winter?

Imagine, how does it feel to be like everyone else, just enjoying life without doing a risk assessment first?

Hypnotherapy can really cure these phobias, seriously!

Your phobia started with anxiety. A whole string of “what ifs” that spiralled beyond the realms of probability and then possibly an event tipped you over the edge.  It may even be a relatively small event. But I won’t say come to the clinic – I will hypnotise you and you’ll leave happy to fondle a spider.  In effective therapy, one size does not fit all.  If we all had the same brain it might, but we haven’t.  Typically for a straightforward case, after the initial consultation we will have 3 appointments. One to discuss controlling anxiety, and then the 2 standard treatments, one to move the panic response, and one to embed a pleasurable experience. That is why,  in my free first consultation, one thing we will look at are your general levels of anxiety. It may be that to really cure your phobia  we need a few sessions to reduce it irst. The phobia might even resolve by itself.

Not all phobias are the same – Hypnotherapy can still cure them, but in a different way

And you may have a phobia that I wouldn’t necessarily treat as a straightforward phobia. For instance, emetophobia (a fear of vomiting)  sometimes involves intrusive and obsessive thoughts, or needle and blood phobias may be better treated once anxiety levels are very much reduced, so take longer . Some might be nonspecific  – heights is a case in point, where you might be able to tolerate a certain level, or indoors, or in an aircraft, but not looking over a railing, and again that might be more about your thoughts and anxiety than a true phobia.

Fear of flying is one I work with a lot, and I  suffered from, but just back from Barcelona for a long weekend, I know only too well what a release it is to be freed from these crippling fears. You can read about my experience here:

There are no guarantees, but by treating your phobia appropriately there is a very good chance hypnotherapy will really cure your phobia.

Success Stories


I have people whose needle phobia has been cured allowing them to have a stress free pregnancy, or series of medical procedures to run smoothly, people driving happily on motorways, competing in their sport, accepting a promotion which required them to travel overseas, being able to be in crowded places so enjoying a holiday with friends which involved a lot of nightclubs, someone who was terrified of being on water who booked a cruise while she was still aboard thoroughly enjoying her first one, children going back to school after a year of being unable to, and me… loving Barcelona without thinking about the return flight until it was time to leave for the airport.

So, if you’d like to free yourself from that life limiting phobia of yours, book in a FREE Initial Consultation, either in person if you can attend the Hemel Hempstead Clinic, or remotely by Zoom,  on my website , email at or message me or WhatsApp on 07880705784.

Remember the initial consultation is FREE with no obligation to take up treatment.





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