I’ll never know what gave me Equinophobia, making me too frightened to lead my horse in from the field, or cry with fear when I got on him.

I had ridden on and off since I was a pony mad child.

In my 20s a bought my first horse, There was a photo of her on my desk at work and I’d look at it to remind me why I put up with a job I hated.

Then I had children who had ponies and I taught them all I knew. Eventually, when they were no longer children , I took on one of my daughters’ horses. I was so excited. My own horse after all these years. And then I was terrified.

I tried a bit of NLP for my equinophobia, which helped a little for a while, but it seemed to be a full time job to conquer the nerves to ride. Two horses, and 10 years later I decided to fix it, or walk away.

They say when you need them, the right teacher appears in your life.

I found Karl Greenwood. A horse combat expert, stunt rider and horse confidence expert. It turned out he had practiced as a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist in a previous life. He explained the neuroscience, and as I learned more, my equinophobia made more sense. When he explained that the problem is not the thing we need to look at, but the solution to it is, the more I was drawn into this way of helping people find their happy.

Knowing why is the booby prize

“I think I may know what caused it…..” I ventured when he interviewed me for his online course. “Knowing why is the booby prize “ he told me. “It doesn’t matter. Fixing it is the prize”. So, I listened to the hypnosis, his virtual lessons and learned to love riding again. Finding happiness in my life again too.

But I also yearned to know more about how the brain works, how we create anxiety and depression, and how we can change our brain, literally change our brain….to change our lives. So now, I have studied this fascinating field and am on the verge of getting my Diploma as a Clinical Hypnotherapist. Using proven neuroscience, gentle and positive talking therapy, combined with trance, hypnosis as we know it, to help people with all sorts of anxiety induced illnesses, phobias and depression, lead happy and joyous lives by literally changing the way their brain works – all in 2-3 months.

I’d like to say its magic. But it isn’t. Its science.